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Old 10-20-2022, 10:01 AM   #13
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Solutions will be different if there is something unique about the OP location and/or structure, or if it is general to the neighborhood. There is also a consideration if there are other areas of the city where the noise is a problem.
First, I'd check with neighbors to see who else is concerned. There are at least three Franklin based discussion groups on Facebook that might be an easy starting point. If there is general agreement of a problem in the neighborhood, I'd invite the Mayor, City Manager and ward City Councilor to a coffee to "observe" i.e. "listen" to the situation. Elected officials can interact with the NH Municipal Association to get ideas of existing ordinances to find other town's experiences as to what actually works and what is on the books that really is ineffective.
An ordinance may not be the easiest, most effective, or quickest solution. Your City Councilors may talk to the company and find out that they are planning equipment upgrades that will improve the situation or eliminate the problem. It is generally not the goal of local industry to be bad neighbors.
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