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Old 10-11-2022, 04:03 PM   #43
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"Federal law allows unions and employers to enter into "union-security" agreements which require all employees in a bargaining unit to become union members and begin paying union dues and fees within 30 days of being hired. Employees may choose not to become union members and pay dues, or opt to pay only that share of dues used directly for representation, such as collective bargaining and contract administration. Known as objectors, they are no longer union members, but are still protected by the contract. Unions are obligated to tell all covered employees about this option, which was created by a Supreme Court ruling and is known as the Beck right."

"In Communications Workers of America v. Beck (1988) the Supreme Court ruled that the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) restricted unions from collecting dues for political activities if a union member chooses to opt out. The required dues can only be used for collective-bargaining and other representational activities.

The result of Beck in practice differs from state to state and from union to union.

If you live in a right-to-work state you:

may choose to leave the union entirely
may remain a member and pay their share of the representational costs
It’s important to note that unions often want to still represent all employees, even those who don’t pay dues, so union laments of “free-riders” are caused by their own preferences.

If you live in a non-right-to-work state:

you may opt out of paying for the non-representational activities of the union
unions will not usually allow partial membership, so they will often ask the employee to resign from the union
the opt out period is usually brief
Unions must pro-rate the dues, which are called “agency fees” when paid by nonmembers who exercise their Beck rights. These fees are calculated to include the representational activities, as well as overhead for running the union.

Beck rights notifications have changed over the years. The posting by all employers was required under George H.W. Bush, rescinded under Bill Clinton, reinstated by George W. Bush, and rescinded again under Barack Obama."

Isn't Google wonderful.

This should be the time when someone says ... what about Sysco!

Now, if only more folks would post the URls' for their comments and someone can challenge that!
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