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Old 10-05-2022, 07:39 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by jbolty View Post
California uses a billion gallons of gas per month. I'm sure someone smarter than me can do the math to figure out how much electricity it will take to replace that much energy but I'm guessing it's a lot. Meanwhile there is no plan or any activity going on in CA right now to expand generation or distribution of power at that scale and even a ramp up means start now since a power plant takes a decade to get built. They are already not able to keep the lights on dependably. The options are the ones pushing this in government are morons or the real plan is to eliminate private cars.

Oh, and they want to ban gas cooking and heating too.
San Francisco has banned gas appliances from all new construction. I will never live with an electric kitchen.

Gas autos will be banned in 2035. Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) warns CA residents about electric shut-offs during high winds and overloading the grid during high A/C demands.

When Gavin Newsom comes campaigning in New Hampshire with promises of making all states like Calicornucopia, carefully parse every syllable. The morons have plans not well thought out.
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