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Old 10-02-2022, 09:49 AM   #1
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Question Will Your Next Car Be an Old One?

● With "The Grid" likely failure to "keep up", is an older car in your future? (The day after California banned fossil-fuel cars, California issued warnings to not charge your EV cars between 4-9PM ! )
● With 8.3% inflation, wouldn't a collector's car make financial sense? (In the past, antiques and collectable artwork was the answer to inflation).

● With China manipulating currency, wouldn't a "handy hedge"--that you can drive--make sense?

This morning, two articles appeared relevant to these questions.

1) A humble well-used VW 1988 VW pickup truck sold for $100,000.

2) Cars from the 60s-onwards are soaring in value. (I already own three of them--two from the mid-60s--another is a 71). (with another link to collectable "hot" cars from overseas).

✔ A video of an EV motorscooter parked inside a house--just inside sliding doors to the porch--shows how difficult it is to approach such a fire.

✔ Last month, a fire in a parking garage near a grouping of motorscooters caused 11 deaths!

✔ It can take 28,000 gallons of water to put out an EV fire. (EV fires must be cooled, as they supply their own oxygen).

✔ Insurors and condominiums are studying ways to distance charging stations away from structures. (EVs being fire hazards).
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