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Old 08-30-2022, 11:50 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Descant View Post
Not too long ago I heard from MP that there are about 100,000 boats registered in NH and about 40,000 of those are primarily used on Winnipesaukee. There are more unregistered boats now, e.g. kayaks, and in our affluent society many shorefront families own several boats. Not all are used at the same time, of course. To me, the biggest changes over the years have been the introduction of bigger outboard motors (remember when 35hp was "big"?) leading to bigger boats with bigger wakes, and forklift trucks for boat storage. A 26 foot 13000 pound boat can go on the rack, but that's a lot of boat to pull behind the family sedan. So, a marina that used to have a couple dozen slips now can have 150 boats in valet.

I do remember when 35 HP was big!! I wonder if they have actually ever tried to see how many are slips and how many are by landowners. ??
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