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Old 08-23-2022, 05:46 PM   #42
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The BOS has been basically absent for this entire HUB process. Sure, some folks have needs....but others do not. If the BOS wants to be serious, they will issue a survey to every single taxpayer with results analyzed by a professional firm and including many specifics. This is absolutely needs data from every single taxpaying person....residents and non-residents. And it needs to be done before Town Meeting. Questions should include usage potential, impact on tax rates and bills, etc. etc. etc. Let's do a professional survey designed by folks who have this as their business. Enough of all this so called needs stuff that is not in the public domain. As usual, this could be another potential whim that has not been thoroughly vetted by the people responsible for running the town (BOS) and may end up being underutilized. If other towns want in, then let them share in the capital costs as well...not just the operating costs. Here's an idea...M'boro donates the land under a 99 year zero cost lease to the HUB group and they sell shares of the building to the various towns who want to buy in and use it for their residents. We already see the library with folks from other towns wanting to use our local facility as it is far better than what their town wants or has already. I believe now they have to pay. Set up a Board of Directors, make in non-profit, and enjoy! Local M'boro version of "Pay to Play" !!! Simple..... Private / public partnership....not all funded by M'boro taxpayers.

And just wait for the courts and politicians to possibly reinstate donor towns or some other scheme to fund always it is just over the horizon and M'boro will get hit VERY HARD.
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