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Old 08-14-2022, 09:39 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by SailinAway View Post
Where do you see invective in choosing whether you want to be a peace maker or a dissenter? My point was very simple: "There is probably a place in society for peace makers and dissenters." And I added that hopefully we choose to do both. There is no invective implied or intended there.

If I wanted to use invective I might say something like "when you make a statement like 'Climate change = weather' you practically force someone to question your IQ, unless you know something that 98% of the world's scientists don't know." No, wait, a statement of fact isn't really invective. Sorry, bad example.
Well I do know one thing that is an absolute about the climate change matter, your classic environmentalists are NOT in agreement with the climate change activists. It seem that the green movement is not actually all that green and that if humans are to continue (as opposed to the 12 year extinction quoted by someone else) then we will need a hot planet with lots of green house gasses to grow food and to make oxygen for the rapidly growing population. We just need it to be free of toxic material generation that too many of the new green deal people are going to create, such as lithium battery powered everything! Time to get back to the concept of cradle to grave, as opposed to the short term big money and big profit new green concepts.

But then this thread is not about any of that, so best we drop all the environmental talk and get back to our scathing assessment of the evil men do, and are doing, and are getting away with EVERY day!

And in this matter, regardless of the final outcome, they mostly got away with it AND for a long time, and impacted way too many lives. And that is the tragedy. How this continued for as long as it did is inexcusable. There can be no meaningful justice for such offenses, only paper resolutions. One can only hope for a special place in hell for such creatures, and I hope to be there waiting for them. I have my pitchfork all picked out and I look forward to doling out eternal torment, as I harbor no delusions that I am any golden winged angel. I will simply be happy enough to be one of the few who can take the heat for my wrong doings and who gets to exact dues from those worse than me!

Are we done yet?
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