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Old 08-03-2022, 06:20 PM   #71
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Default USA vs the World

Originally Posted by SailinAway View Post
Think, I look forward to the results of your experiment. Remember, saving energy isn't just about saving money, it's about the environment too.

Update: I meditated on the whole question of the water heater while taking a cold shower the other night. Brrrrr.

Why are we so far behind the Europeans? 45 years ago I visited friends in Germany. They had a small box on the wall over the kitchen sink that provided hot water in a minute or two with the flip of a switch. They were amazed that I had never seen this before. I had to say, "Oh, in the U.S. we prefer to heat 50 gallons of water to wash the dishes and keep the water hot all day just in case."
I had friends who were in the service that were stationed in Europe and lived off base in apartments as opposed to on base. They said the hardest thing to get used to was the individual hot water heaters. There was one for the kitchen and one for the bathroom. The bathroom unit was for the sink and the shower. That unit was ok, but couldn't keep up with the hot water needs for a loooonnng shower. It was fine for a 1-2 minute shower,. They got very good at a hot shower, short but hot shower.

We now know them as on demand heaters. They worked well with the knowledge of their "short comings ". Just couldn't take a half hour "aaahhhhhhhhhhh" shower.

Most of them, as I understand it, were electric units.

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