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Old 08-01-2022, 04:18 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by SailinAway View Post
What on/off cycles? The water heater would be off all the time, unless I come to my senses in the fall and realize I don't enjoy cold showers. However, there are other ways to heat bathing water, e.g., wood stove.

By the way, I could get hot water from the furnace---I mean boiler---in the winter, but I'm not going to do that at $8 a gallon for oil. I'm hoping to minimally use the furnace this year.
I misread and thought you'd be turning it off and on frequently—a lot of electronics prematurely fail from constant power cycles.

If you keep your WH on a timer once a day to bring the temp up, the only savings would be temp. maintenance power which, as others alluded to, is not much at all.

If it's off for a while, however, then you're definitely going to save money (minus the costs for heating cleaning water).

Doing some research, it looks like as long as you heat the tank up to the right temp before using it after it's been cool for a while, it should be safe.

I might still use the "hot" periodically just to get some fresh water through there, but what I would NOT do is get into shutoff valves—if by chance the heater runs without enough water, your WH element is junk.

I'd be interested to know how long you have to have it off before noticing a decent savings.

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