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Old 08-01-2022, 04:59 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Garcia View Post
This year the weeds and algae seem worse than usual. Green algae collects on the mooring ropes, and what historically has been a sandy bottom is slowly developing batches of mucky growth. Do others notice more growth than in past years or am i just getting older and lamenting the way things used to be (even if they weren't exactly as i like to remember them.

I am on an island where all the close neighbors (myself included) have permitted, up to date septic systems, no one uses any type of fertilizer or chemicals, we don't feed or try and attract waterfowl, and we don't mess around with the shoreline. It is not an area where people anchor.

Others seeing the same thing of more algae than usual or is it unique to me (or just my imagination)?
Garcia, I have been on this lake my whole life and I can tell you that the sandy areas that don't get used, get mucky and vegetation grows. It's use and motion that keeps it sandy.
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