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Old 07-14-2022, 12:01 PM   #66
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Good old soft foam earplugs will block out nearly all of that early morning noise. I'll occasionally resort to these if I'm planning to sleep in on a Saturday or Sunday. Problem solved.

Regarding early morning construction, one day this week at 6:30 in the morning, trucks were roaring by headed to a construction site 1/4 mile up the street. Soon as they got there you could hear the loud beep-beep-beeps as these vehicles maneuvered in reverse (all well before 7:00 AM). I find that sound to be particularly grating. I wonder if with all the smart camera/laser technology these days, they could eliminate that annoying back-up alert in favor of a vehicle mounted sensor array that would immediately shut off the vehicle when detecting a person in close proximity to it; not unlike the technology being employed for self-driving vehicles.
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