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Old 05-09-2022, 07:03 AM   #29
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EVERY time I put the "Lake House" destination into my GPS, I get goose bumps because it is so refreshing to go there.

I thought of a few things that at times could be concerning, but in the end, I decided those things add to the character of the Lakes region -

Locals that complain about out of staters especially Massholes. I actually enjoy sitting at some of the more local pubs and hearing the complaints

Flatlanders that complain about the locals voting in $3M - $4M for a library renovation that nobody will ever use. What good is paying all the high taxes if the towns don't spend it on something. LOL

Town docks being crazy busy on Holiday weekends. It is fun to watch the pontoon family coming in hot and the captain yelling at the passengers to grab something. Or the Dude with the "cigarette" boat that yells at the person on the dock trying to help "Don't Touch my Boat"!

The jet skier that is zipping through my wake. Hope they have fun and don't get hurt.

I guess in the end, the thing that annoys me most is the fellow boater that does not wave back. Even then, I tell my family to keep waving. Eventually they will catch on and wave back!
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