Originally Posted by SailinAway
I watched this video yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-Rc-4cwJ1Y
It shows how to split very large chunks of wood by hand by placing the axe on the outside edge and striking it with a mallet, rather than hitting it with an axe or maul in the center. I tried this method today and it worked! However, for me, at least, it was nowhere near as easy as this guy shows in the video. I was splitting maple that's been drying for 3 years (plus it was dead when it was cut down). Some of the grain was pretty ornery and it took forever to split it. Also, my axe took a beating and got stuck often.
(I know you can also split large chunks by cutting off small wedges around the outside. I'll try that next time to compare.)
If you're gonna be splitting by hand, grab a Fiskars X25.
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