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Old 03-10-2022, 04:07 PM   #172
sunset on the dock
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Originally Posted by LikeLakes View Post
Going back to where I started, which is that I just don't think there is much if any science behind the number 45 .... By your premise shouldn't they make the speed limit 30 mph, since 30 MPH + alcohol = less bad?

As I said, I separate alcohol usage from this because it is criminal, irresponsible behavior. We don't reduce the speed limit on our highways because it would make it safer when drunk drivers are on the road.

And what is the science behind 70 MPH on the highway? Can you cite that? No we don't decrease the speed limit on our highways to make it safer when drunk drivers are on the road but neither do we increase or eliminate them like you want to on the lake.
As far as codeman's recent post, I think he missed the post about a swimmer being hit at 65+ MPH on Winni in 2015. And googling fatal high speed accidents on other lakes in other states might be a worthwhile endeavor for codeman.

But again...the present speed limit law, as said, is supported by 6 marinas, and 300 businesses when it was made permanent 11 years ago, and now several high profile lake organizations (LWA, NH Lakes Assoc., LRCT, LWSA, LPC, NHCDA). And 80% of the NH house in 2011. But of course every single one of these people and organizations must be terribly wrong/misguided ?!?

Last edited by sunset on the dock; 03-10-2022 at 05:18 PM.
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