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Old 02-15-2022, 10:32 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by John Mercier View Post
I don't think moving it to 250' or even 300' would make a bit of difference in sales. You could move all boats to 300' and it wouldn't make a difference in sales.

And if you put in a noise ordinance... either through direct legislation or court inflection, the industry would just morph into a means to provide the music more directly - sort of like waterproof headphones.

But in the end, the main issue with the lakes will always be the property values that they present. Protecting those property values will be front and center regardless of what secondary issues may arise.
To be a little unbiased/balanced. It’s not just property values.
It’s businesses too. And those businesses do draw people to spend money in NH.
And increase demand for property.

The boat dealers argument was if you do this everyone would pack up and leave.
Which was of course BS.

Honestly the 250ft is practically a token and just a message that NH won’t just tolerate anything. It might move some boats out of marginal coves. But it’s such a small difference. I think 500ft would make a more serious dent and still not harm most of them much. It would hit a small hand full probably hard. On some very small bodies of water. They would need a 1000ft, almost a 1/4 mile, diameter circle around the boat and that wide path moving ahead.
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