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Old 02-02-2022, 10:43 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by dickiej View Post
This has to do with the skewed concept of entry level, unskilled , minimum wage jobs. Traditionally, these jobs were meant as part time for students and retirees. They were never meant as full time, liveable wage jobs. But recently, there has been a shift towards expecting a McDonalds job to be life sustaining. This is just unrealistic. If you want a liveable wage job, improve your life….go to school and better your education….get skilled training…but to expect to be able to pay rent, utilities, buy food, etc. etc. by flipping burgers is not attainable.
With all due respect--the post said nothing about livable wage or even wages in general. The issue described was work schedules and advance notice. I understand employers wanting to minimize wages, and jobs for high school kids are great. I'm with you on that stuff.

But when these places won't give predictable schedules in situations that are reasonably predictable, they're really treating workers poorly. I had both restaurant and catering jobs when I was a kid. I understood readily that the caterer could not provide a definite schedule, but the restaurant sure could
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