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Old 01-08-2022, 07:50 PM   #134
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
I don't know what is true. I am hearing that people checking into hospitals for other issues, with no covid symptoms, get tested. If they are positive they are listed in the covid statistics. I think a lot of people all over the country have had covid and moved on, without ever being tested or feeling symptoms other than a mild cold.

I went to the Fort Myers Seafood festival this afternoon. There were easily 5,000 people there and I saw two with masks. Good? Bad? Who knows.

Some things we hear and read may be true but I also think the politicians are making political hay out of it. If the unvaccinated, unmasked people are such a problem why are our current leaders letting them in and giving them free flights to deposit them all over the country?

"The nation’s former border chief reported today that the ***** administration has placed some 40,000 illegal immigrants infected with the coronavirus into American cities."

So what do you believe?

It's easy to see politicians such as DeSantis making "political hay" out of Covid and immigration. I think he (they) deceived us a week ago with misleading numbers, and now they are trying to distract us with immigration.

It's much harder to see any Democrats trying score points on these issues--on Covid, they beg people to get vaxxed and wear masks, on immigration they say nothing. You might think these are bad policies (they sure aren't political winners!). But that is different than them working to deceive us as DeSantis did
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