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Old 11-27-2021, 08:05 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Mr. V View Post
Maybe it's just a coincidence, but my tinnitus seems to have eased a bit since I got my high blood pressure under control.
You know I had a physical exam, about one week ago at Mid-State Health in Plymouth, and the MD told me that tinnitus is a hearing problem and I should go see an audiologist to get some hearing aids.

My blood pressure was 120/72 which are good, safe numbers.

My tinnitus is at its worst at about 4-am and just about every morning, except when it is raining hard, I go take a 2-mile walk down along the Mad River Trail and back around Waterville Valley, and walking usually makes the tinnitus lower its volume and/or disappear almost entirely.

Was my tinnitus caused by the Covid-19? I don't know? I have had three vaxxes of Pfizer in May, June, Sept 2021 and the tinnitus started in Dec 2020 and maybe a month earlier in Nov. Starting in May-2021 it got much louder, and the months of May-June-July were what I consider to be three months of HIGH mental distress trying to adjust with living with the constant noise of loud tinnitus. I have not had any flu like symptoms of congested lungs or any breathing problems or fever that are common to Covid so it seems unlikely it is Covid related.

It's like I sort of get used to it, but at the same time do not really get used to it, and it usually goes away in the afternoon and evening and then comes back at 3-4am in the middle of the night after a visit to the bathroom.

Swimming and playing tennis or pickleball seems to make it disappear entirely, and walking or bicycling are good relief as well. I have lost about 15-lbs going from 6'2" and 212-lbs last December down to 196-lbs so the tinnitus drives me to be more active plus I am a big eater of roast beef, turkey and Italian subs, made-to-order for $5.29 at the Market Basket, plus Brigham's ice cream with Smucker's hot fudge. ..... .... Yes, I just used up all the hot fudge, yesterday, by placing the container upside down in the microwave and miking it for 15-seconds on high to liquify the hot fudge, just like real $6.98 real maple syrup from Walmart! ...
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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