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Old 10-17-2021, 09:20 AM   #57
John Mercier
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Current Use is not a town ordinance. It is a state statute subject to Part 1 Article 28-a.

The town does not have a chose to enter or not enter into the Current Use program, nor does it set the assessment rates. Those are set by a State board.

If you use the 2020 tax rate of $7.13, the board has set the assessment rate of your son's property at $1122. That is about $84 per acre, but could be as high as $105 per acre if he has CU II reducing it to the $84 per.

If the Court found that it is a State controlled program, the State would need to pick up the costs through some means. What that means is remains to be seen. Is it an increase in the SWPT with an actual transfer of funds, or by some other means. That would be up to the Legislature/Governor reacting to the Court finding.

It is really not a matter of how we vote.
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