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Old 10-16-2021, 10:08 PM   #56
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And the change... it is already being discuss.
From that same 2019 NH Business Review article ...

"“Land conservation is a foundational issue,” says Bob Giuda, a Republican state senator from Warren who has twice proposed legislation to study the issue"
The same senator that sponsored the Windham election fraud audit fiasco.

Then," when the Current Use Board met in June, Rusty Keith, a former selectman from Lyme, ..."

"Keith has suggested introducing a statewide current use tax, akin to the statewide education tax, to distribute the cost of the program proportionally among all municipalities. He noted that current use is a state program, governed by state statutes and rules"

Sure ... like what, the "Donor Town" concept, as in the Claremont lawsuits and decisions. Oh great!

I register to vote as an independent; not biased to either political party.

Current use
Here's a sample, not conjecture, reality, regarding 13.3 acres for my son, from the 34 acres I subdivided into two parcels, in Moultonborough. Current use property:

2021 Tax for 13.3 acres is $8.00. Not a typo ... eight ($8) dollars for the year.
Town land assessed value is $107,300

Moultonborough tax rate:

Year Total Town County School State Ed Median Ratio
2019 7.15$ 2.18$ 1.10$ 1.91$ 1.96$ 93.81
2020 7.13$ 2.11$ 1.15$ 2.09$ 1.78$ 92.50
2021 -

State statutes can be changed. Till then, current law (pun intended) is still valid.

Part 1, [Art.] 28-a. [Mandated Programs.] The state shall not mandate or assign any new, expanded or modified programs or responsibilities to any political subdivision in such a way as to necessitate additional local expenditures by the political subdivision unless such programs or responsibilities are fully funded by the state or unless such programs or responsibilities are approved for funding by a vote of the local legislative body of the political subdivision.
November 28, 1984

Note:" ... unless such programs or responsibilities are approved for funding by a vote of the local legislative body of the political subdivision.
November 28, 1984."

Those are towns!
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