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Old 10-16-2021, 01:09 PM   #39
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by longislander View Post
My comment about current use was meant to address the tax factor of property. Some folks may not be aware of the savings. Our town tax collector once mentioned to me that she could not believe how much money could be saved by some residents if they went current use.

RE: current use.
Just Google it read for yourself.

Short term investment advice on this website ... !!!
Surely you jest.
Then you should know that Current Use II only provides a minimal augmentation to the tax advantage... and that Current Use does not require 10 acres. It can be any size parcel that provides $2500 annually in agricultural or horticultural revenue.

Not to mention all of this is likely to change very quickly in the next few years. Much of it being unmanaged forest.
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