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Old 10-12-2021, 10:58 PM   #5
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Unless you have enough land to hunt, snowmobile, or harvest, land is pretty boring. I think I'd rather see something that lets me have fun with my grandchildren. A collection of pinball machines, for example. Or maybe a nice triple cockpit antique speedboat? Antique or classic cars can be fun and profitable.
There are real estate projects that give better leverage than vacant land and generate some cash flow too. I have a friend who has done well with self storage--No tenant has ever called with a plumbing problem on a weekend or holiday. Same with boat slips--prices and rents are still climbing, and tenants don't call with problems. Rents are paid annually, (at least at MVYC) so no problem with late payers.

Have fun.

Old standbys: collectible art, oriental rugs, jewelry, Race/stud horses.
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