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Old 10-05-2021, 06:58 PM   #31
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Default Made it thru Summer of '21. What about 2022....?

Well, with some intense struggles everywhere it appears that for the most part that the 2020 Restaurants made it thru 2021 with just a few casualties.

The Restaurants were very clever in their planning with a musical chair schedule of closing days, cutting hours, shifting their staff and simplifying their menu offerings. EVERY single business owner out there deserve a gold hat for hanging in there and putting up with something that has never been experienced before in our lifetimes. A truly great job for making it thru the summer and a big thank you for hanging in there under rotten circumstances.

The good news is that summer of 2021 is now behind us. The bad news is that summer of 2022 is in the horizon in about 8 months or so and I'm sure that business owners are not looking forward to ever going through this all over again.

At the beginning of the summer I would say this Covid environment was a fluke, but now I don't see huge improvements on the horizon for 2022. Can many of these businesses again survive these unusual conditions for another year, or will some owners finally say "screw it" and permanently close? Can you really blame them if they do close?

Last edited by TheTimeTraveler; 10-05-2021 at 08:30 PM. Reason: spelling
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