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Old 10-03-2021, 02:06 AM   #17
John Mercier
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Though it isn't pertinent to the base question, NH does have income and sales taxes... we just do not use the general with exceptions method used by the others and have instead used the directed versions.

While the number of children in public schools does play into the equation somewhat, the historic numbers have shown that even when school districts see a decline in the student population, it does not grossly result in a decline in the school district budget.

Designed developments - condos, associations, co-ops, etc. - are generally the result of the initial developer reacting to the market forces around them.

Single family existing outside those is generally the result of a home builder/client partnership; and result in everything from the smaller camp/cottages to the mansions that we see throughout the area.

Though interest rates and demographics - boomers are in or nearing retirement - are driving our housing market both faster and in differing directions than what we perceive to be the historic norm... it is more due to the long cycle.

Designed development had been with us in the area for a long time, we just don't always perceive it to be that way... and it too will age into the system.

Parts of Laconia were heavily built out after WWII with the returning vets and the GI Bill, those areas now seem to be small neighborhoods... but in there day were considered the way we consider the new developments to be out-of-place.
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