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Old 10-01-2021, 06:58 PM   #1
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Default Where is the limit? or is there even one..

Regarding more condos in Meredith..

'they're going stagger them and add some architectural features". "it's a really simple design" ... Give me a break. Rationalize it all you want, but it still does not hide the fact that the 'condo' development isn't welcome, let alone large multi-home subdivisions, unless of course, you are the one going for the money-grab with disregard to what you take away and what you leave behind.

The unfortunate reality is, there is nothing we can do about it unless area towns sit down to restructure planning/zoning etc and start looking ahead to where our towns are realistically headed regarding development. Before the bleeding has become so bad that there is nothing left, our towns need to consider putting on the brakes before it pops.

If left unchecked, This so called 'lake life' will puff up beyond a desirable growth and we're all going to find ourselves living and vacationing inside a grossly over-bloated Christmas turkey on top of an infrastructure that can hardly handle the volume as it is now.


Rokeh Consulting, LLC on behalf of Meredith Bay Realty, LLC- Proposed Site Plan to construct 5 multi-family units along with associated site improvements. Tax Map S23 Lot 105 A, located at Daniel Webster Highway and Upper Ladd Hill Road in the Central Business District.

This is one of many all over, but since covid, the rate of land development has turned up the pace and broken the knob right off.
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