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Old 09-26-2021, 05:10 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
Well it doesn't look like it's off to a good start.

Couple snippets from above. Children have made up 15% of the population infected. In the last week they jumped to 25%. Last week was the 3rd highest report of Children infected since the pandemic began.

Bet you they start shutting down by end of October.
I don't see schools closing down in NH or MA at all. There's a lot of evidence that shows schools are not areas of spread so, when connected with our high(er) vaccination rates and the effects on children still being minimal, the reporting/concern standards are very low.

For example, MA DESE's new definition for a close contact for students with masks is over 15 minutes within three feet. Given normal desk/working/private space distance, that's essentially not possible, which means that in the last few Covid positive cases my classes, there have been no close contact quarantine/absence requirements.

So, although some of my students have caught Covid (~6 out of 100+), absences have been minimal and transmission clearly from outside the school (and, really, before school was in session).

My feeling from people's behaviors lately is that once the 5-11 vaccine is released—by Halloween? Thanksgiving?—the "pandemic" will be over.

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