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Old 09-24-2021, 04:19 PM   #37
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
Please note the immunity for all of the mentioned above is measured in YEARS..... not months!

If you want to split hairs over me calling TB a virus... whatever!

I simple pointed out the great deal of false information in your post.

And the 3-5 estimate was not done with modern science, because we no longer supply or do studies on the smallpox vaccine.
Modern science could actually measure the efficacy of the immunity response over the months with blood tests like it does now and determine that a booster would be needed sooner.

Problem being the smallpox vaccine has severe side effects in every 1000/1M - that is a very high rate.
It is the basis for the currently government ability to mandate a vaccine, even one with such high levels of complications and to do so for more than two decades after the last active case in the US.

To be fair smallpox has a much higher incident of death than covid.

But when making comparisons to other contagious diseases, the data must be at the least presented in a comparable format.
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