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Old 09-24-2021, 03:22 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
Ya ok! I used that site because the observations they made mirror what we are really seeing... a so called break through rate of 30%. 30% is not a break through rate... 5% would be a decent break through rate.

Then we can dive into the CDC not actually tracking break through data for non hospitalization results. If you want to dive deeper lets get the actual reports from the NBC data... what States, what was the sampling rate etc. etc. etc.

P-Town & MLB are fairly accurate mirrors of what is really happening. Especially with the MLB Covid protocols..

When you say P-town and MLB "mirror what we are really seeing", I am confused.

From work, family, and friends I have "anecdotal" (as you put it) data on over a hundred, maybe a couple of hundred of people who have been vaxxed. I have heard of only 1 breakthrough case in that group. So my experience mirrors the data from CDC and others.

I would guess that you also know over 100 people who have been vaxxed in your family and friends group. Are you saying that you are "seeing" 30 or more vaxxed family and friends with covid--"real" people that you know personally, not the Red Sox--with breakthrough infections? Or maybe 1 or 2 or none? Or maybe 5 or 10?

Last edited by FlyingScot; 09-24-2021 at 04:11 PM.
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