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Old 09-21-2021, 11:15 AM   #82
John Mercier
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Because most of the people are not dying.
We have some hospitalizations, which are much more costly than vaccination, and those will add to future health care costs through medical insurance; but for the most part we have several thousand in each surge that must quarantine and can not be available to work.

With the worker shortage, that places more pressure on the remaining.

Since we already can not service customers to their full expectations in the area, when we reduce the workforce for even a short period of time, the problem spirals.

Since we can not find more workers, and when we do it takes time to develop their skill sets, the only option is to limit customers by some means. Some businesses have done this with their schedule, others with other formats.
Some have done it well, others not so well.

From the threads here, the Meredith Subway was offering a lot more money per hour than the Meredith McDonald's. McDonald's is open, the Subway is closed. It could be more than labor troubles, but that seems to be the trend.

Of the 1458 deaths we've had in NH, approximately 132 have been since the vaccine has been widely available here. And none have been in those too young to qualify for the vaccine. Though we deeply regret those deaths, and can not determine from the State data how many may have been vaccinated, the latest surge in cases is really have more effect on that lost-time.

Vaccinated individuals that test positive are suggested that they mask for the quarantine period when in enclosed public buildings, but unvaccinated must isolate for the quarantine period.

So while the deaths are regretful and we mourn the loss, it isn't the largest impact currently. I carry a mask and put it on should a customer request it, I always try to maintain some distance, I wash/disinfect my hands repeatedly, and we have dramatically increased the air quality in the facility.

But every business is going to be ''discriminating'' on what customers it wants as long as the labor shortage exists.

For me, I am looking for the customers that see us as a partnership. But for others, that vaccine status/masking may be on their agenda.
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