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Old 09-21-2021, 06:39 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by John Mercier View Post
I didn't. You did. You have determined that one person can make a choice, but the other is not allowed.
We could do it for anything. If a customer chooses to wear a hat, and I choose not to serve customers wearing hats... is that an attack against people that wear hats?

Or is it there choice and the other party needs to refrain?

You keep bringing up protected classes... but these aren't protected classes of people.

In my particular case, I don't ask anyone, because I generally only deal with customers through e*mails and phone communications. The outside salespeople deal directly with the contractors and homeowners, and I only rarely see them when they have an appointment. I might catch them now and again if the salesperson is doing something intricate and needs my assistance to complete it.

But even with direct contact, I am never in close proximity to a customer for any length of time.

So a validation of vaccination would be pointless.

Maybe everyone will go back to wearing a mask... but will the unvaccinated really like that option either?

And you keep bringing up deaths... which is really not the most prominent issue. It is the loss of limited employee hours. That is the most tenuous issue we are currently dealing with.
Not sure how deaths is not the most prominent matter of concern,,, Clearly it rises above all else and hopefully the people who are clear of mind will see this is the benchmark of most concern in declaring a pandemic. Other considerations are important, but fall far behind deaths.

The loss of employee hours is a certainly a concern, but could also be looked at differently, it could open up opportunities for others.

As for you constant reasons to discriminate against the unvaccinated or the hat wearers, they need not be in a protected class to be discriminated against. And eventually you will find your equilibrium, you will have your customers, and the ones you turn away will find someone that is happy to have them and it will be as it has been for thousands or years where someone in the future will wonder how the world got so screwed up because people lived in fear of some matter that no longer exists. So if discriminating against any hat wearer makes you feel safe and happier, so be it. I'm not your morality monitor, you have to live your life and do what you can live with, and if that means living in the plastic bubble that is an option.

As a society we discriminate all the time, the banning of indoor smoking is a good example.

Whatever you decide own if, and if you think you are without prejudice, think again, I think prejudice and the desire to control others and even the like for conflict is programmed into the human DNA, you can try to fight it, hopefully most do, but it is there always nagging at us. Try to rise above it and be the best you can, but you will not beat it. Best you will do is a compromise of tolerance of what you dislike.
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