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Old 09-21-2021, 12:34 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
While I genuinely appreciate your efforts here, but I think we just see too many things too differently to come to agreement on this matter.

I feel like your conclusions are wrong and too many of the items you cite are what you have been told, but that they are not actually reality.

From my seat I feel like many others in that the "pandemic" should be reduced to some lower level concern. The term pandemic has been hijacked and is now a political term used for political and other purposes, but no longer applicable given the number of people who have been vaccinated and/or contracted COVID and have immunity, plus we now know so much more about how to treat infected patients that the death rate is greatly improved.

I guess my biggest disagreement is that most of what you cite on your list and reference as being contingent on vaccination and mask wearing, I believe that this is a false premise.

I expect COVID will continue to be a problem for an indefinite period like influenza. Some will continue to be sickened and die and as a whole we will be best served by the more exposure we all get to it and then build natural immunity against it. Now mind you exposure does not mean infection and infection does not mean hospitalization and hospitalization does not mean ICU and being in the ICU does not mean you will die. And in the overwhelming majority of COVID cases, people didnt even know they had it.

As a COVID survivor I was not quite so fortunate as most people, but I must confess to that of all the people I know and the hundreds of people I work with, I only know one person that was hospitalized and he said he really didnt need to be, they just did it as a precaution. And I dont know a single person that has died of COVID.

So for me I see no need to panic, I see no need for kids not to be in school and without masks, I see no need to wear masks in most places ( a few, but not many) I see no need to buy chinese masks, and I see no need to fight about all this.

If you wish to stay glued to the media and worry about it, I feel bad for you, I would say ignore it and live, but thats your choice.

But please dont impose your fears and conditions on me. Protect yourself, I'll do the same where I feel necessary, and if I believe I am at risk of exposing anyone else because I am sick or I know that I came into contact with someone else that was sick, I will quarantine. But what I wont do is live the remaining time I have in fear and take every possible precaution to reduce my exposure to near zero. I dont believe that is how our ecosystem works or our biology works best, and I dont see the impact/benefit ratio value to such actions.

Remember it was the most knowledgeable scientific minds that said the world was flat and it took a naysayer to prove they were wrong, and it was the best scientific minds that said bloodletting was the best cure for whatever medical problem you had and it took naysayers to show simple things like soap and water were better treatments, and it was the best engineering minds that said we could not make it to the moon and it took naysayers to show you that you could sit on top of a Saturn V and survive the trip.

So please consider that all the media and the politicians and the experts of today might say may not be 100% correct. But in the end make the choice you can live with and respect the other persons god given right to do the same and we will all get along fine.

Did you know there is a strong correlation of the more educated you are the more likely to get vaccinated?

Same goes for wearing masks.

So it kind of all makes sense. They just don’t know any better.
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