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Old 09-20-2021, 11:25 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by John Mercier View Post
So lets say that I chose to never engage a customer that did not have a complete vaccine card. Would that be me making a choice? Or would that be an attack against the unvaccinated?
Interesting that you pick such a battle ground and to such an extreme, when never before did we decide how to treat people based on their vaccination status.

For things far worse than COVID, we have never had such levels of discrimination rear its ugly head.

And now that you know that the vaccine does not provide the levels of protection they initially claimed it did, why are we hanging our hat on a vaccination card.

Why because politicians set this battle up for god only knows what nefarious reasons.

Whats next, send the unvaccinated to Molokaʻi to live with the Lepers?

Sterilization like they did to downs patients?

Beating up people in the streets like they did to HIV/AIDS patients.

Is this the kind of society you really want to live in,,,

Even now there are very legitimate questions being raised about the actual impact of COVID ( ) and the answers are not good.

So then are you really that guy?

And if so why, because NH had one official COVID death today and a 7 day average of 2 COVID deaths. Doesnt quite seem sufficient to warrant such a panic as to discriminate against someone for not getting vaccinated.

Its all just a bit too divisive for me. If this is really who some of you are, I was mistaken about who I thought was participating on this forum.

Certainly not the kind of people who claim to be wearing masks to protect others,,,

Maybe its time to start thinking about this in different terms, rather than the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated.

or maybe not,,,
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