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Old 09-20-2021, 10:22 PM   #66
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Default Breakthrough infections

Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
Agreed for the most part, but as I said nothing about any kook politician or anything about ivermectin I cant and will not take credit OR blame for any such interpretation.

As for Thalidomide, well maybe they have saved us, but it was only after tremendous and incalculable and unspeakable damage was done.

I dont tell anyone not to get a vaccine or not wear a mask if they want to (except chinese masks), but I also dont think they are "THE" solution either, they are simply part of a process and part of a solution. How big and important a role they play, well it will take years to honestly know that.

And with regard to data, how any person may use the data can be totally different than the next person seeing the data, and I 100% guarantee you that media and politicians will us it in yet other ways and mostly NOT for the good of the general public, or maybe better stated, if their purposes produce a public benefit, its mostly by accident.

So beware data, its only a tool. In the hands of a good backyard mechanic, tools can fix something a certified mechanic would scrap, and in the hands of a true master mechanic they can fix what the backyard mechanic cannot even understand. Most things in between are hack jobs, and so it is with data. Just remember how many times they looked at the data and were ready to crucify Sullenberger & Skiles,,, They beat that data to death again and again and again, and then there was an epiphany, and low and behold they realize the 155 people onboard flight 1549 were only alive because of the amazing actions by these 2 men that were being roasted alive for their previously characterized as error in judgement.

What it all tells me is that I must review what it said by the news, the politicians, the experts, my doctors, my friends, and whomever I feel necessary and make my own decision, but NOT follow the common consensus like a sheep being lead to slaughter.

Your decisions will be based on who you trust, and I simply advocate you stop and assess the common message and challenge it for a moment. If you are still in agreement, thats the best you can do. But too often for me, the message sounds off and the numbers dont add up, and sometimes the cure can be worse than the aliment. But from personal experience I have mixed feelings having had some problems with the "cure" in the past. The pneumonia vaccine was fine, but the shingles vaccine was down right awful. Tetanus shots are usually not good and the same for flu shots. I still get the tetanus booster, but not the flu shot anymore. As for the COVID shots/boosters, not sold on them just yet as a requirement for all, as a COVID survivor with lingering problems, I can honestly say sorry the verdict is not yet final for me. Not ready to agree with the necessity to mandate them for everyone just yet and at the moment, I seem to be less and less supportive of it as a requirement vs a personal choice. And a personal choice with no discrimination against the unvaccinated tolerated, just like the flu vaccine. I personally will not sit and see attacks against those who chose whats best for themselves in this complex matter.

You need to talk to people in places where they’ve ignored the prescribed procedures. I’m back in FL now. A bartender where I frequent did not get vaccinated because she didn’t want to be told what to do. That’s the response of a child. She got Covid. She would redo what she did in the past, after being knocked on her butt for 3 weeks, and still struggling with long-term after effects. All of this is not about individual freedoms. You are a part of a society and need to act as such. The Terminator was right…people in this country need to take a civics course to understand how their individual decisions affect the greater populace. I reiterate…YOU ARE A PART OF A SOCIETY.

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