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Old 09-17-2021, 03:41 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Garcia View Post
I don't spew hatred and I wear a mask for others. And, I am not crazy nor am I lying.
Hummm, if you actually have to say it, isnt that an inverse or reverse version of Catch 22???

A true classic that so mimics real life, that I sometimes think Washington does all it does based on old movie scripts.

The current pandemic, was probably lifted from the X-Files movie and series. They sure did a great job of copying a lot of the elements from the movie. Now if we could only get to Wilkes Land to that snowcat and bring it back to Winnipesaukee for the winter,,,

Oh sorry what were saying, something about crazy, Yup must be for disagreeing with any opinions here, as its no longer tolerated in America, we cancel people for disagreeing. Dont we???

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