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Old 09-07-2021, 09:20 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by LakeDad View Post
There was nothing rhetorical about my post, but since it seems you want to ground in reality, I'll digress. It was not intended as one bit condescending, but I do grow very impatient when people misrepresent my position.

I will again go back to an argument I didn't form: I never said it shouldn't be a discussion. Each association should have its own bylaws, of and agreed upon by the owners.
I have (I thought clearly, but perhaps not) been stating an *opinion* that it isn't right to take away dock/moorings rights from an individual once obtained.
This is part of that discussion, no?

Newcomers don't seem to understand how long others waited for their spot or how vested they are in it. It's not like a cafeteria where everyone uses a different table each time or may have to stand at times--there is no investment there.

When you wait for a slip or a dock, it often becomes available in a specific size. You then buy a boat for the slip you waited for. Until you sell, break the rules of use or voluntarily give it up, it should be yours.

Most lake communities understand this, especially people who have been here for awhile, but people new to the area are coming in and trying to create change in situations they don't yet understand.

I don't have a dock. I want a dock. It might be a long time before I get one, and yet I still empathize that a person (within an association) should be able to keep their dock rights until sale, misuse or death.
Ok, I missed the part about "taking docks away" from those who have them. I agree completely and, unless I missed it, don't see anyone saying otherwise here.

When our association moved from a lottery to "own until given up/unpaid/death/moved/etc." people who already had slips kept them and moved forward. As part of that, however, only owners can be on the list. So, children of owners have to wait until the property is in their name before getting on the list. This system seems to be working well as there's not a very long list, and it turns over quickly.

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