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Old 08-21-2021, 03:39 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
So you know people who actually worked hard saved their pennies and build $10M+ summer homes they dont use very often?

Must be a unique segment of our society.

Most of the people I know with that kind of cash, sit on boards as directors running good businesses into the ground and/or have executive positions were they never did an honest days work in their life. But I suppose its possible some owners of $10M+ summer homes that they dont make much use of actually did an honest days work in their lifetime. Not many, but a few might exist. You can usually tell the ones who worked for a living, as when they get their dream house, they make use of it and enjoy it. Not have caretakers spending more time there then they do themselves.

As for jealous and bitter, maybe annoyed and confused is more correct, but as a working man who actually works way too much, I barely have time to keep up my only home let alone even coordinate with a property management group to care for a summer home I wouldnt use. So not not jealous and bitter. It actually makes little sense to me. But it keeps the economy going, so I guess its better that these folks piss their money away on something they are not using than keeping it in their mattress. :-)
So on one hand you are questioning whether Winterh actually "knows" these people and 2 sentences later you writing about all the people you know with that kind of cash?

Don't confuse being annoyed and confused with jealous and bitter. You may think it sounds better but it is still bitterness stemming from jealousy. Maybe you should get to know somebody's core character before you judge them on something as superficial as their house or bank account.
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