Thread: Vaccinations
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Old 07-27-2021, 09:24 PM   #416
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Angry It's the MSM Against Americans...

There was no "third shot". That reference was a joke-thread of member TiltonBB—"To lighten the moment".

Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
It's really bizarre, pitiful, and dangerous that you keep doing this. Everyone who has any understanding of health or statistics, and is not paranoid, understands that the vaccine will make them and their families much safer.
Those points will stand up to scrutiny outside of what Americans see on TV.

Name one that's "bizarre, pitiful, and dangerous", and we'll examine it for the forum.

Originally Posted by thinkxingu View Post
Why don't you ever post your "sources"? At this point, you're a tinfoil-hat-wearing-conspiracy-theorist who either can't research or purposefully manipulates information to support your narrative.
Hardly tinfoil: Most of my written sources originate in Britain. (One, via Skype, originated from a Spanish University professor to a Spanish-speaking Medical Doctor).

So, who to believe? Government's Facebook beliefs or a University professor's beliefs?

(Britain is about two weeks ahead of the US in Covid variants).

Remember this "sage advice"?
"Unfortunately, science today is too influenced by politics. The ideal of a scientist is an objective, ‘disinterested’ observer. If one holds strong emotional positions on a topic, then it is all too easy to have conclusions, and even observations, colored by those viewpoints".
Are you not concerned that your own Reuters fact-check mentions that Reuters' findings placed at Facebook were "flagged for removal"?

Or that findings deemed "misinformation" are flagged from a government to a private business, (Facebook), for deletion?

Thinkx can give the above a fearful name...
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