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Old 07-22-2021, 04:48 PM   #74
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Lightbulb "Sage Comment", Found a Minute Ago...

Originally Posted by Descant View Post
I remember one day many years ago, reading a UPI article in the newspaper on green house effects. Several pages later, same paper, same day was an AP article on the same subject. Both cited studies on the greenhouse effect. BUT, one claimed that contaminants in the atmosphere blocked the sun's rays and we were seeing a cooling effect. The other claimed that contaminants in the atmosphere trapped the sun's heat and were getting an overall warming effect. I imagine the authors of both studies examined the same historical data to arrive at their conclusions.

(Insert sage comment here...)
"Unfortunately, science today is too influenced by politics. The ideal of a scientist is an objective, ‘disinterested’ observer. If one holds strong emotional positions on a topic, then it is all too easy to have conclusions, and even observations, colored by those viewpoints.

"If you have not done so, I suggest reading T. C. Chamberlain’s 'Method of Multiple Working Hypotheses' to see how a first-rate scientist works."

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