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Old 07-14-2021, 01:45 PM   #234
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My daughter and son inlaw, with 3 kids under 8, both work their arses off. My son inlaw is a fireman and sells real estate, my daughter is a buyer for TJX and has her own online business. They are both going in a hundred million directions 24/7.
While I commend their work ethic the children suffer because only one parent is available a any one time. We try to help as much as possible but my wife and I are 66 and 67 so our energy level isn't what it use to be.
My daughter just quit her TJX job because it was taking a toll on their family life, physically and mentally. So their income is basically cut in half.
At some point you have to take a step back and reassess the goal of chasing the all mighty dollar and having a happy family life.
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