Thread: The Dive
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Old 06-14-2021, 06:20 AM   #59
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All things considered, The Dive's 2020-pandemic year spot at the Weirs Beach public town docks had the potential to be a long term, golden location for The Dive. Maybe it can renegotiate and get back in the good graces with the Laconia select board and return to the same Weirs dock spot.

It seemed like it would be a good success and a good business for the Weirs in that spot. After all it had the support last year from all five members of the Laconia select board which is a high level of local support. Some select board members were happy Dive patrons, as well.

That Weirs Beach location has NO nearby residential homes or neighbors to irritate or annoy. It was located down the boardwalk embankment and across the road from the unoccupied, unheated, seasonal 150-year old historic buildings that belong to the N.H. Veterans Association where there is almost always NOBODY home.

With its large square, bright white floating restaurant and bar, floating on a 24' x 62' steel barge, it looked totally fabulous in that spot. It looked like it really belonged there and would be a good business partner for the Weirs. Is a real shame that this year, 2021, is not its year #2 in that location and they could be building on its first year success by installing a DiveCam so people at home could see what's happening at The Dive.

But, unfortunately things did not work out in 2020 and it may as well blame this on the slowdown in the restaurant-bar business caused by the pandemic.

So ........ The Dive is apparently looking for a new home ........ where will it go ...... and, will it ever return to its happy spot at the Weirs dock? .....


Will it ever return ..... will it ever return ...... to its one golden spot down that Weirs Beach dock ...... or will it ride forever out on the Big Lake waters with no place to call a home ...... moving slowly, back and forth, between that West Alton sandbar and that Braun Bay sandbar with no particular place to go...... WHERE WILL IT GO?

Braun Bay video ....... ...... has a few, very brief looks at The Dive surrounded by umpteen boats and people partying presumably in Braun Bay on July 4, 2019 ..... looks like some summer big water, party time!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 06-14-2021 at 07:13 AM.
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