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Old 05-04-2021, 06:47 AM   #210
gravy boat
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Default Mask Mandate

The benefits of living in a "free" society is that we all have choices.

We were at WalMart yesterday and the sign now says "Masks Recommended". For the last several weeks I've seen a few people on every shopping trip to WalMart without masks -- and almost ALL looked to be over 60 years old. I saw nobody confronted by employees.

There will be people who will refuse the vaccine or wear a mask and there is zero to be done about it. People can hand-wring, fret and pontificate online every day for hours about it with zero effect. No minds will be changed. No shame will be accepted. That time has passed.

The simple solution is those who are afraid should either stay home (not a fun option) or continue to wear their masks when they feel they need to do so. Luckily there are numerous drive throughs, take-out options and curbside pickup services for those who wish to avoid crowds/people. When you think about it you can coast through the rest of your years without ever entering a store, restaurant or place where people gather.
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