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Old 04-20-2021, 10:54 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot View Post
I think the biggest difference is as follows:

Pro-maskers: Always pushing their positions and agendas on everyone, including those that have different beliefs about mask wearing. It’s clear that the “Karens” of society are pro-maskers, and are the ones getting in other people’s faces when they are not wearing a mask. How many reports have you heard about anti-maskers screaming at people for wearing masks? That’s right, zero is the answer.

Anti-maskers: This group has no problem with the pro-maskers wearing masks wherever and whenever they want. What they do have a problem with is the pro-maskers getting in their faces about mask wearing, all under the guise of “love thy neighbor” and compliance for “the greater good”. If the pro-maskers believe that the masks actually work, that’s great. Keep wearing them, but for God’s sake, please leave the rest of us alone. We don’t get in your face, so stay the hell out of our faces. The guilt angle about mask wearing will never work.
Pro-maskers are continually pushing science and public health.

Anti-maskers are the same people who were covid-deniers a year ago. Now that the data is overwhelming that they were wrong, they have switched to personal attacks. (like "Karen")

Please go back, read your old posts and your compatriots' old posts. Then let us know why you have any credibility at all on covid today
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