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Old 04-12-2021, 08:51 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
No just the opposite I see this new law as causing more injuries. I'd love to see the statistics on the number of boating accidents that occur on an annual basis where it has been determined that use of a cutoff would have prevented them. It seems as though every time I read of an accident, it is always the same combination of reasons, inexperience, operating outside safe parameters for the conditions or congestion, operating under the influence or some other operator error. I've never gotten the impression that the majority would have been avoided with a safety lanyard in use.

I guess it just begs the question what's the intended purpose of this cause I don't see it. I do however see having an engine cut out unexpectedly being a huge safety problem. It doesn't take much for them to pop out and flip the switch.

I sometimes wonder who thinks this stuff up. It seems that every time something tragic happens the knee jerk reaction is to pass some new law.
Can't disagree with your statement...
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