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Old 04-09-2021, 05:59 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by ApS View Post
It may pay to buy your gasoline early in the season.

Gasoline was so cheap last Autumn (less than $2), I bought 2 gallons just to clean [enamel] paint brushes in!

(Hadn't done that since the 1960s!)
If you are buying gas at a gas station that is true. Prices are going up.

If you are buying gas at a marina, maybe not so much. The early birds will get the gas that has been sitting in the tanks since some time last year. I wouldn't expect a marina to sell you gas based on what they paid last year. I would expect them to sell gas at market price.

I fill my tanks to about 95% in the fall and add stabilizer. That leaves a lot less room in the tanks for condensation to occur but enough room for expansion and contraction based on the temperature. In the spring, by the time I use the first tankful I hope that the marinas have new gas in their tanks.
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