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Old 03-16-2021, 09:18 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by baygo View Post
I’m not leaning one way or the other on this. I’m simply sharing things I’ve heard and hoping to learn from additional contribution of others. I am not going to simply shut down the opinion of another’s because it doesn’t align with mine. When we silence our critic we deprive our self the opportunity to learn from them.

8 months ago people from one side of the isle did not trust the thought of a vaccine and people from the other side did. Eight months later and there has been a complete flip flop by both sides

This world is filled with brilliant people. Some of them have good intentions, others not so good! Please share with me the reasons I should have absolutely no concern of danger from the vaccine. Also please share exactly all information required to be given before the vaccination was administered. I’ve never had a flu shot so I’m somewhat naïve to the process. Was it the same amount of information or more?

If a microchip was created so small what is the intention for its existence?

I used the Internet for the first time in 1979. If I had told you then that within 20 years every single piece of your personal information, And behavioral habits would be accessible to anyone who wanted it, you likely would have called that a conspiracy theory as well.. if I had told you a year and a half ago that today you’ll be walking around society hidden behind a mask, how would you have responded?
More misinformation:

No one advocating vaccines now was doubtful before. If so, please share. You may be recalling one of my posts last Spring telling joey(?) there was no way a vaccine would come by July. That was not doubting vaccines, it was explaining timing, and has been proven correct.

"If a microchip was created..."--you're the only one who has asserted such a ridiculous thing.

You should check the state vaccine site for direct info on qualifications, etc
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