Thread: pandemic
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Old 03-16-2021, 08:17 AM   #21
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I can see Motorheads point about not wishing to share the restaurant’s name.

His point was about the situation, not the specific restaurant. If there is one, there are probably many. So why call one specific restaurant out. It wasn’t the point.

My in laws “didn’t care” either. Everyone got COVID. One was in the hospital for weeks with blood clots in his legs. He did recover. Another recovered fine. Another is on a ventilator right now and been on it for a week. If she makes it, it will be months of recovery. She is in her 50’s.

If people want to take their own risk that’s fine. It’s not like leaving your helmet off on a motor cycle. But by taking your own risk, you risks others. It’s basically spitting in the face of your fellow man by not doing what is in your power. As feeble and annoying a mask may feel, it’s not asking much. That’s what gets under my skin. It’s says they don’t give a crap about anyone but themselves. We know there are people like that. But sad to see so many.

I’ll give a bunch of them the benefit of doubt that they have been miss informed to help convince myself there aren’t so many selfish people.

It’s pretty damn clear lock downs and masks save life’s. You’d have to be living under a rock to think otherwise.
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