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Old 02-19-2021, 02:36 PM   #98
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So, the family has been on the lake since just after the war, built on Welch Island ~1960. Nobody would ever consider selling, even though total use might be 30-40 days a season. From 1970-2005, we had a condo in Pompano Beach. Although everybody had enjoyable visits there, when my folks moved to a retirement community in NH, nobody wanted it, and, Bang!. Sold without a second thought. If we could have done rentals, we might have held it for awhile, but the condo rules allowed only long term leases.

Although we might use it only 30-40 days a year, same a the camp, I feel ike if I had a southern place, I want it rentable when I wasn't there. That eliminates a lot o\f south FL where summers are hot, and leads to the panhandle or maybe Georgia, whee there is a summer rental market.
BTW, I mentioned earlier about my buddy who owns a condo in Costa Rica. He can fly in because he's a homeowner, but others aren't allowed in and getting back into the states this year is difficult at best. January and February, the best rental months, have been vacant.
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