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Old 02-17-2021, 09:55 PM   #70
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Default Snowbirding?

Originally Posted by Juiced06GTO View Post
My dream is 30 or so acres up in NH, with a nice shop that I can build and sell a few hot rods out of during the year, a tractor that I can use maintaining the property, cutting trees for firewood, and just slowing things down. I can't get that with a property on the lake in my price range, but could slip a boat there and be much closer to drive there than from Mass!

I'm 37, really hoping I can retire around 58/59 or so when my wife hits her 35 years in the teaching system down here in Mass so I guess we'll see what life brings then! In the meantime I'm building my dream shop at least here in Mass and enjoying it while I'm here with a few weekly vacations at the lake!
This isn't really about snowbirding, but it's a nice dream. I think you need a longer horizon, i.e. start buying land now. I suggest contacting the NH Timberland Owners Association. Jason Stock is the Executive Director. It s not infrequent for somebody who owns land to do a harvest just before sale, so it could be another 20-25 years before the next harvest. You might get a few cord each year as you do some clean-up and maintenance. If you want to plant a crop of hardwood, it's not for you, it's for your grandchildren. Balsam
Frasier or Fralsam Christmas trees might get a crop in 8-10 years, but a lot of work each year. Along with a committee, I co-manage 130 acres in suburban Nashua/Manchester. We use Bay State Forestry for our experts. They may be able to help. Last I heard, they manage about 30,000 acres in MA and NH.
Whatever you do, start now. Good luck.
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