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Old 01-24-2021, 11:26 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by winterh View Post
I do not know the owner of the store but my guess is he has been serving "radical left wingers, commies and socialists" for years. He would probably continue to do so if they were willing to live and let live. The left has changed though and for them its not enough to just disagree, now they must crush anyone who isn't fully on board. This was his small way of saying "go to hell" to the people who want to use the power of govt, big tech and corporations to silence him. A bit over the top I agree but can't say I don't understand.
It's hypocritical for you to accuse the left of intolerance while defending an intolerant sign from the right.

Also, accusing the left of wanting to "crush" anyone who isn't fully onboard is kind of weird when it appears the same week that the right has censured Liz Cheney and Cindy McCain.

Those who believe themselves to be reasonable should be distancing themselves both from those who describe themselves as socialists (as in--the government should control the means of production) and those who demonize "socialists" (as in--good affordable healthcare should be available for all).
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