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Old 12-12-2020, 02:09 PM   #54
P-3 Guy
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Originally Posted by joey2665 View Post
Well said could agree more everyone need to do what they think is best for them and I certainly do not need the government telling me what’s best for me. It’s my choice
Do you think a government mandate that prohibits smoking in public places is unconstitutional or overreaching? If you are a smoker do you smoke in public places anyway despite a government prohibition, because you don't need the government telling you what's best for you (and others)?

Biggd is right, it's not all about you. With our constitutional rights comes certain responsibilities. You can't have the first without the second. It's too bad that identifying those who are infected with COVID-19 (including the large percentage of those who are completely asymptomatic and are exhaling the virus around them with every breath without knowing it) isn't as easy as identifying a smoker taking a drag on their tobacco product of choice. If that was the case, we could easily stay away to protect ourselves. But since there is no bright scarlet "C" on the front of every infected person, we need to take extra precautions. Like wearing masks in public places, social distancing, and doing our best to avoid gathering in large groups indoors.

I'm struck by the number of people who refuse to make reasonable sacrifices for the greater good in this difficult time, sacrifices that can more quickly help to restore things, both medically and economically, to something closer to normal. Selfishness and obstinance will only prolong the misery. If the pandemic hasn't directly and seriously affected you, maybe you're not really miserable right now, but millions of your fellow citizens are. Thinking about and caring for others is a basic tenet of religion and our national ethos. Or at least it used to be.
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